Saturday, December 23, 2023
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Chat GPT can be used to learn new things in a variety of ways:
Asking Questions: You can ask Chat GPT any question on a topic you want to learn more about, and it will provide you with a response. Chat GPT has access to a vast amount of information, and it can provide you with accurate and relevant information on a wide range of topics.
Generating Ideas: Chat GPT can help you generate new ideas and perspectives on a topic. You can provide a topic or a specific question, and Chat GPT can offer new insights or viewpoints that you may not have considered before.
Providing Definitions: Chat GPT can provide definitions for unfamiliar terms or concepts. If you come across a term or concept that you don't understand, you can ask Chat GPT for a definition, and it will provide you with a clear explanation.
Exploring Topics: Chat GPT can help you explore a topic in depth. You can ask it to provide you with more information on a particular topic or to suggest related topics to explore further.
Overall, Chat GPT can be a valuable tool for learning new things. It can provide you with accurate information, new ideas, and different perspectives on a wide range of topics.
Monday, February 13, 2023
Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools can be extremely useful for teachers in a variety of ways:
Personalized learning: AI tools can help teachers create personalized learning experiences for students based on their individual strengths and weaknesses.
Grading and Assessment: AI-powered tools can help teachers grade assignments and assess student progress more efficiently and accurately, freeing up more time for them to focus on other aspects of teaching.
Student engagement: AI tools can help increase student engagement by incorporating gamification elements into the learning process.
Lesson planning: AI tools can provide teachers with personalized lesson plans and suggestions for activities and resources based on the needs of their students.
Student feedback: AI tools can analyze student work and provide real-time feedback to help them improve their understanding of the material.
Accessibility: AI tools can help make education more accessible for students with disabilities, by providing alternative ways of accessing information and materials.
Classroom management: AI tools can help teachers manage their classroom, by providing insights into student behavior and engagement, and helping to identify areas where they need additional support.
Overall, AI tools can greatly enhance the teaching and learning experience, by providing teachers with valuable insights and resources to help their students succeed.
Here are the top 5 AI tools for teachers:
Knewton: This AI-powered platform provides personalized learning experiences for students by adapting to their individual needs and progress.
Gradescope: This AI tool helps teachers grade assignments more efficiently and accurately, by providing real-time feedback and identifying areas where students need additional support.
Classcraft: This gamification tool incorporates elements of role-playing games to increase student engagement and motivation in the classroom.
Coursera: This online learning platform uses AI to recommend courses and resources to teachers based on their individual interests and needs.
Quill: This AI tool provides real-time feedback on student writing, helping them to improve their understanding of grammar, syntax, and writing style.
These AI tools can help teachers to save time, increase student engagement and motivation, and provide personalized learning experiences for their students.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Saturday, June 9, 2018
Music to Milk !
The chaos ,the music and the hysteria or the soothing bhajan ,the clapping and the body swings ..all comes with the rituals to go near the God.They learned the tricks to take you into trance and feed your mind with suggestions.This is good as far as it provides you the much needed peace and distraction.But,if it goes to the next layer with all sugar coated good intentions hidden with vested motives,then you should alert yourself to come out of this groups doing business.
Some,mastered the art of mind control.Once you get in to their den, coming out of it will cost you a life time of guilt and the brand of being a sinner.
These masters knowingly or unknowingly mastered the art through their predecessors.
Money is the motive.Masters voice is mantra,even if he commits a crime or get into immoral act,it is God's wish or Satanic test.Some wash away the sins and some live with the grace of everloving God.
These people have ready-made answers for everything with technical terminologies to preach and defend.
The genuine and enlightened never expect anything and find it difficult to express their experiences with the mundane words,they remain obscure in isolation or with few seekers.
But,there is a positive side to it , the the sheep's live a disciplnined life catering to the family needs and keep away from bad habits.For these services payments in kind or cash is always paid.
Only concern is that the leader should be well qualified to do this work.But the hammer in the hands of a crook can spoil the nail and the nails and the majority is so convinced or blinded with their faith that they will not even feel the pain ....numbed and zombied-out.
Now a new breed of these people getting into education,to create brainy kids . Courses to increase the brain power,memory power,increase intelligence and intuition etc.Beware of them,they want to milk your money.
... subbiah 😎
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Speaking Trees
*Speaking Trees.*
Trees connect themselves through an internet of fungus on their roots.They communicate about the weather,insect attacks,water levels other trees so that they save and protect themselves .The shared knowledge gave them an edge to survive on this earth.
*Propagation & attention grabbing*
Trees , stand still ,but send their seeds to faraway places through their packaging of seeds with sweet meats,wings,cotton,etc.They Protect their immature fruites with green colour to avoid getting plucked.Colour changes with ripening to grab attention of animals.
*Rain Harvesting*
Trees have branches pointing upwards to gather water on their roots.Conical trees to thaw the snow.
*Security secretion*
Trees have resin secretion to protect their trunks against insect attacks and use it as traps.Amber is the solidified resin .
*Breaking News*
Tree roots break open rocks ,which causes ground water to Ooze out ,creating springs.Hence holy trees to be protected near water springs.
*Support system*
Tree themselves are an eco system with bird nests,orchids,fungus,insects laying eggs, caterpillar feeding, shelter etc.
*Disaster Management*
Different shapes of Trunk bases of native trees can indicate the severity of seismic activity in the past of that terrain.
Hence trees are revered & worshipped in our culture.
😎🖋Learned/observed & Read ...subbiah 18 Sikkim.
Education in 2047 AD
1. Kids will be asked to consult the ideas/answers of other kids(which is called cheating or copying now)
2.Kids will be learning to teach machines.
3.Individual skills will be a paying jobs ( now this is called a hobby)
4.Schooling if survives,then it will be preparing for jobs ahead of their time.
5.We will be tagged as the 20th Century illiterates.
6.Kaal chakra will become wheel-less,sliding ,skidding ,levitating ,slipping movements without and resistance and depreciation.No wheels,no wires,no roads,no rails,.... physical movement will be at its lowest due to virtual closeness and predictable living .
7. One mid day meal of organic extracts will feel sumptuous.
8.No screens,no key boarding,no talking ..silence will rule.
9.No results,only performance.
10.We ,if not extinct will have to get re-skilled to survive.
11.Play learning ,will decide the... Huney birwaako ..
12.Speaking, Teaching, Playing,Creating,Data,Searching, Collaborative- Thinking with Exercise will be the Electives.
13.Class-less social setting without any uniformity will be promoted.
14. Imagine and create the future.....
(It is said that we cannot imagine those things which we never seen,read or heard...only combination of all these in different permutation.)
But reading Jules Vern's Science Fictions, disproves it.
😎🖋 subbiah 18.
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Good & Bad
*How to be a boring teacher:*
Sit and teach / talk.
Correct homework inside the class.
Use words like....silence,listen,understand,useless fellows...
Teach only with text books./reading out.
Speak in a monotonous voice./sleepy.
Always blame the behaviour of children.
Fiddling with mobile phone.
Asking children to read out for others.
Reaching the class late or leaving early.
Disconnected .
Asking the children to read something while aafu busy with
Discouraging words.
Negativity in words ,speech and action.
No opportunity for the kids to speak out in the class.
Loosing the temper inside the classroom.
Getting irritated ,even when kids giggle or talk among themselves.
Making easy things difficult to learn.
Humourless teaching ,no fun only work.
Leave the enthusiasm at home.
Create fear.
*_Now doing the opposites of these will make an interesting teacher._*
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Importance of undivided share in Indian flat system
An Undivided share is a share of land allotted to the flat buyer while purchasing a property and it is registered in the name of the owner. When a home buyer purchases an apartment, he/she is entitled to 2 things: the constructed building and the proportionate share of land, where the whole building is constructed. The price appreciation of the property is the actual appreciation of the land and not the building, so the property price depends on the undivided share.
Have you ever thought what will happen to your apartment in case of natural disaster like an earthquake, building collapse or if government wants to acquire the property for a public project? Even if the apartment society wants to redevelop the property after decades, the building will be demolished and only the undivided share of land maters. It is crucial to understand your undivided share in a multi-storey residential project.
The UDS is based on the percentage of the super built up area of the apartment to the total super built-up area of all the flats. For instance, if 4 equally sized apartments of 1000 sq ft were built on one ground of land which measures 2400 sq ft, the UDS will be calculated as below:
UDS = Super built-up area of individual flat / Sum of all flats’ built-up area X Total land area
UDS = 1000 X 2400 / 4000
UDS of individual flat = 800 sq ft.
To avoid fraudulent deals and to be cautious, one can check the undivided share mentioned in the agreement before registration. Some builders will be reluctant to show the agreement copy; instead they share some other agreement copy during site visits. It is important to know your undivided share of land before hand and verify the same with the actual sales agreement before registration. You can go an hour before and confirm the details, if required get legal help from advocates. This way, home buyers can be sure of receiving their entitled UDS while purchasing their dream home.
Friday, December 27, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Sunday, April 7, 2013
supra-Einsteinian 12-year-old : NEHA RAMU
The Ramus, both opthalmogists, came to the UK from Bangalore five years ago. “We have always given her free rein, and we believe this has contributed to her immense success today. We encourage her to take her own decisions, but are there to support and advise her,” says her justly proud mother Jayashree. A student of Tiffin’s Girls School, Kingston-upon-Thames, Neha has already taken her SAT, usually taken by students at 17 or 18 for university admissions. Her immediate aim, though, is to join the Army Cadets in Kingston.
But this new tag of child prodigy comes with its own set of pressures. “All of a sudden, people are expecting more out of me. But with the support of my parents, I have learnt to carry on the way I was doing and not get carried away,” she says. Her parents too are aware of the dangers of sudden fame and exposure in childhood, so they are even more careful not to push their daughter towards higher and tougher goals. “There is definitely more expectation from her now. We try to keep her focused on her daily curriculum and just consider this yet another test she has taken up.”
For now, the family is just soaking in all the attention they are getting both in the UK and in India. How are they going to celebrate? “Well, she wasn’t expecting a celebration, but we have decided to reward her by doing something we know will give her immense happiness. We are going to India during Easter vacation, as most of our family and friends are there, and they are planning to throw a big party once we arrive.”
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Training the teacher
Saturday, May 26, 2012
CCE GradeMaker 2012
Download the Beta Preview:

Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Friday, October 7, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
EARTH QUAKE HISTORY of SIKKIM:Don't forget the Past
15 January 1934 - Indo-Nepal Border region, Mw 8.0
14:21:25 IST / 08:43:25 UTC, 26.50N, 86.50E
Nearly 10,500 people were killed in Bihar and Nepal. Damage was also reported from many towns in Sikkim.
12 January 1965 - West of Gangtok (Indo-Nepal Border region), 6.1 (TS)
13:32:24 UTC, 27.60N, 88.00E
19 November 1980 - Near Gangtok (Sikkim-West Bengal Border region), 6.1 Ms (PAS)
19:00:46.9 UTC, 27.39N, 88.75E, 17 kms depth
Eight people were injured in Gangtok and there was also minor damage reported from the city. The quake was felt in eastern and north-eastern India, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal.
21 August 1988 - Udaipur Gahri, Nepal (Indo-Nepal Border region), Mw 6.8 (NEIC)
23:09:09 UTC / 04:39:09 IST, 26.755N 86.616
Nearly 900 people were killed in the border districts of Nepal and Bihar, India. Damage was also reported from Kathmandu and Sikkim. Felt over much of northern and eastern India and much of Nepal. Felt as far as New Delhi.
14 February 2006 - Mana, North Sikkim, Mw 5.3
27.377 N, 88.362 E, D=020.1 kms, OT=00:55:23 UTCA moderate earthquake struck the Sikkim Himalayas on 14 February 2006 at 06:25 AM local time resulting in two deaths and minor damage to property in the state of Sikkim, India. It had a magnitude of Mw=5.3. This is the strongest earthquake in this immediate region since a Mw=6.3 earthquake on 19 November 1980.
18 May 2007 - Nambu, North Sikkim, Mb 4.6
27.302 N, 88.159 E, D=021.1 kms, OT=12:40:02 UTC
A light earthquake struck the Sikkim Himalayas on 18 May 2007 at 18:10 PM local time resulting in some panic in the state of Sikkim, India. It had a magnitude of Mb=4.6.
20 May 2007 - Singyang, North Sikkim, Mb 5.0
27.303 N, 88.191 E, D=021.1 kms, OT=14:18:18 UTC
A moderate earthquake struck the Sikkim Himalayas on 20 May 2007 at 19:48 PM local time resulting in some panic and minor damage in the state of Sikkim, India. It had a magnitude of Mb=5.0.
19 November 1980 - Near Gangtok (Sikkim-West Bengal Border region), 6.1 Ms (PAS)
19:00:46.9 UTC, 27.39N, 88.75E, 17 kms depth
Eight people were injured in Gangtok and there was also minor damage reported from the city. the quake was felt in eastern and north-eastern India, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal.
SOURCE: © Amateur Seismic Centre, Pune, 2011
Earthquake of 2006 and After