Monday, August 6, 2007


This is an excerpt from the Book Maximum City written by Sukentu Mehta,based on sanjay Dutts recollection of his stay in jail in the mid-1990s

"Sanjay made friends with the natural world. Through the tiny air vent, four sparrows would come into his cell every evening and Sanjay would put his massive hand out with crumbs in it. He was starved for touch and they would let him touch them so he would caress the little birds. He made friends with the ants, too, that came out of the sewage pipe. Amazing things, these ants. There is some kind of language between them. If one is going the wrong way, another ant will tell him. He would lie flat on the floor and watch them for hours on end as they struggled with their crumbs"of food, carrying it over the sew­er line".

Now read the Reuters Report on Ants.

Melbourne: The movement of ants could help solve traffic jams and crowd congestion, Australian scientists say,and the findings could be used in future town planning systems.Australian AssociatedPress reported on Thursday that professor Graham Currie and associate professor Martin Burd,from Melbourne'sMonash University,had concluded that the teamwork of ants was far superior to the individual approach of humans.'Ants do tend to work in a communal way with the wider good associated with what they're trying to do and that tends to add some order about how they approach problems,"Currie said.Humans could learn from ants about how to deal with traffic congestion and exiting large venues after concerts or sporting events, he said. Currie said ants moved in an orderly fashion, and never seemed to panic, even when there was danger or congestion.'Ants will organise their freeways' so that ants bearing loads are in the middle of the freeway all going one direction,and the ants that are unladen are on both sides of the middle row. "In human crowds there is a tendency to follow the individual in front of you and that creates lots of snakes within crowds...and that breaks down the crowd flow,making it move slower." REUTER

A little bit of scientistgiri will remove the boredom from us.