Saturday, August 22, 2009


Common Name:
Chamber bitter (Eng.)
Sanskrit Name:
Bhumyamalaki- As its leaves look like those of Amalaki and it grows close to the ground.
Bhoodhatri- Here bhoo stands for earth depicting that it grows close to the ground and Dhatri for Amalaki as its leaves are similar to those of Amalaki
Bahupatra- Bahu means many and Patra- the leaves as its leaves have many leaflets
Bahuphala- As a single branch has lots of fruits growing on it
Thamalaki - It resembles Aamalaki
Vishagni - That which is useful in poison.
Bahuveerya - That which is having high potency.
Phalamala - Phalas (Fruits) are arranged like a garland.
Shiva - Lord Shiva is believed to be present in this plant.
Lt. Name:
Phyllanthus niruri- Euphorbiaceae
Bio energetics:
Rasa (Taste)- Tikta (Bitter); Kashaya (Astringent); Madhura (Sweet)
Guna (Characteristics)- Laghu (Light); Ruksha (Rough)
Veerya (Potency)- Sheeta (Cool and calm)
Vipaka (Post digestion effect) - Madhura (Sweet)
Effect on Tridosha (Three bio humors):
Bhumyamalaki pacifies Kapha and Pitta i.e. it is useful in management of all diseases originating from aggravation of Kapha/ Pitta or both
Chemical composition of the Bhumyamalaki:
The major bioactive lignan constituent of Bhumyamalaki are phyllanthin, and hypo phyllanthin. Other constituents include hydrolysable tannins viz., phyllanthusin 0, Amarin, amarulone and amarinic acid, alkaloids viz, sobubbialine, epibubbialine, nynphyllin and neolynan, phyllnirurin.
Actions according to Ayurveda:
Rochni- Bhumyamalaki alleviates anorexia
Amlapitta nashini- Bhumyamalaki is useful in management of hyperacidity, gastric burning and peptic ulcers
Meha vinashini- Bhumyamalaki useful in management of all urinary disorders including Diabetes mellitus
Mootraroga arti shamani- Bhumyamalaki minimizes discomfort of urinary disorders
Kasa shwas hara- Bhumyamalaki useful in management of cough and respiratory discomfort
Daha nashini- Alleviates burning sensation
Stri rogam nashayed- Bhumyamalaki is useful in management of all gynecological disorders
Pipasa hara- Alleviates excessive thirst
Kshatapaha- Bhumyamalaki fastens the healing process in a wound
Kushthahara- Bhumyamalaki is useful in management of all skin diseases specially having their origin in liver disturbance
Panduroga hara- Valued highly in management of Anemia
Medicinal value:
  • Bhumyamalaki blocks DNA polymerase, the enzyme needed for the hepatitis B virus to reproduce. In one study, 59% of those infected with chronic viral hepatitis B lost one of the major blood markers of HBV infection (e.g. hepatitis B surface antigen) after using Bhumyamalaki for 30 days.
  • Bhumyamalaki is reported having very good antioxidant property and is very useful in cardiotoxicity of any origin including the one induced by different drugs.
Useful part:
Whole plant
Powder- 3-6gm; Juice- 10-20 ml
Some useful combinations with Bhumyamalaki:
Chayavanaprasha Avalehya; Chithraka Harithaki; Madhuyasthyadi Taila;
Shatavari Guda; Bhumyamalakyadi lepa
Some special notes about Bhumyamalaki:
Seeds of Bhumyamalaki taken with rice water prove very useful in management of all gynaecological disorders. This line of treatment is said to give results with in two to three days. (Vanga sena)